How different we are!

How different we are!

Men and women are created equal, but different:

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A man will pay twice as much for the thing he needs.

A woman will buy an absolutely unnecessary thing if she is given a double discount.

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A woman often does not remember why she got married.

A man, as a rule, does not understand why his wife demands a divorce.

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The man keeps six items in the bathroom: soap, towel, toothbrush, comb, razor and shaving cream.

A woman holds an average of 337 items in the bathroom, the purpose of most of them is unknown to men.

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A woman worries about the future until she gets married.

A man doesn't worry about the future until he's married.

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A woman marries hoping that her husband will change. And he's wrong.

A man marries hoping that his wife will not change. And he's wrong too.

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A man can consider life a success if he earns more money than his wife can spend.

A woman can consider life a success if she finds such a person.

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Girls turn into women with age. Boys turn into big boys.

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Boys grow their nails simply because they are too lazy to cut them.Girls grow their nails for beauty — and as a weapon against boys.

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