My puppy has long ears with black eyes

The sons came to Taras and began to get to know him

My friend has a snub nose that smoothly turns into a neck

The bears saw that the bear's bed was rumpled, and realized that Masha was here.

It was quiet all around, as if everyone had died out… What a beauty!

The moose ran into the yard and shit themselves out of fear.

The poem is written in rhyme, which is often observed in the poet.

Suvorov was a real man and slept with ordinary soldiers.

The population density of Australia is 4 square people per meter.

Piglets have a curly tail at the back, which distinguishes them from other domestic animals.

The sailor's vest was wide open.

The Soviet people are not only doing business on earth, but have also climbed into space.

The poets of the 19th century were easily wounded people: they were often killed in duels.

She hadn't heard a single affectionate word from him, except for the word `fool'.

The train driver himself could not really explain how he ended up on Anna Karenina.

Kashchei the Immortal kept his death in one of the two eggs, confusing Ivanushka.

A fashionably dressed woman was running towards the bus, followed by a neatly shaved man.

How did the revolutionaries transport their leaflets? In suitcases with double soles.

The woodpecker sat down and began to gnaw the tree.

My feathered hamster friend is sitting in a cage.

Pyotr Zalomov carried a red banner, about which he kept remembering his mother.

Gray Neck sadly lowered her ass into the icy water...

The bear dug a hole under a palm tree, opened its mouth, stuck its paw into it and fell into hibernation.

Oblomov laid Olga out on the sofa.

Silky, blond curls escaped from under her lace apron.

… Rembrandt stood in the rain in his family underpants and smiled blissfully...

The peasant was well-to-do: he had pigs and a wife.

A cow is a large animal with four legs at the corners.

A ray of sunlight peeked out from behind a cloud and hit the cuckoo.

Alyonushka is sitting on a pebble, and a dark forest is blackening in her ass...

Well, my dear ones, did you smile? And so, in order for dreams to be funny and good, bedtime went with this very smile...

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