Aphorisms according to the zodiac sign

Aphorisms according to the zodiac sign

ARIES: March 21 — April 20

1. I'll do it first, then I'll think about it.

2. Where the others are braking, I step on the gas.

3. The most difficult thing is to listen to the interlocutor to the end.

4. One Aries is good, two Aries is too much.

5. I don't attack first, but God forbid you hurt me.

6. There are probably people who are “tadpoles" of me. But “hands” are definitely not to be found.

7. Do as I do, because you can't do better anyway.

8. It's nice to receive gifts, but it's even nicer to give them.

9. I forgive myself a lot, but not others.

10. What are people born for? Of course, for adventure.

11. In the first half of my life, I manage to do so much that then I don't know what to do.

12. Fear — and what is it?

TAURUS: April 21 — May 20

1. The brave goes first, and the smart goes second.

2. It's not a pity to spend money on a purchase, it's a pity to have a party.

3. Do not disturb someone who has sat down properly.

4. I don't need someone else's, don't touch mine.

5. The affectionate calf of two queens sucks.

6. A beautiful sofa is better than a beautiful sunset.

7. I hate disposable lighters.

8. I shouldn't have become a taster.

9. I'm like a loaded car. I'm accelerating slowly, but then try to stop!

10. If a person smells good, then you can deal with him.

11. I will tolerate poor service in the restaurant, but never small portions.

12. If you see a Calf begging, do not believe your eyes.

GEMINI: May 21 — June 20

1. A smart head does not give rest to your feet.

2. Who owns the information, owns the situation.

3. Ideas, like products, should not be stale.

4. One mind is good, but two are better (especially if both belong to the same person).

5. I am not responsible for the bazaar.

6. I move through life like a scooter on water: not going deep, but fast.

7. I love quantity, because I don't have enough patience for quality.

8. One TV (phone) in the house is good, but three is better.

9. My tongue works so fast that sometimes my head doesn't catch up.

10. I am not the same today as yesterday.

11. Gemini has only a couple: if there is a wife, then there must be a mistress.

12. There is no situation from which it is impossible to get out.

CANCER: June 21 — July 22

1. I am rarely in a hurry and therefore rarely late.

2. It would be good to stock up on everything in the world: patience and jam.

3. There is no forgiveness for someone who throws away the leftovers of a meal.

4. I carry my past with me like a backpack.

5. It is better to dig up, but buy a decent thing.

6. Nothing warms the soul like the sight of a refrigerator full to capacity.

7. It's hard to live where there's nowhere to hide.

8. I'm hard on the outside, but soft on the inside, like a real cancer.

9. The kangaroo protects its bag, and the Cancer protects its stash.

10. I am the most romantic at heart, but in everyday life I am the most practical of all.

11. In the soul of every Cancer (especially Rachikha), the hero somehow gets along with the hysterical.

12. Is it really possible to wear out a coat in twenty years?

LEO: July 23 — August 22

1. A beautiful sign on the office door is more important than a high salary.

2. Despite my friendly appearance, I am a dictator at heart.

3. Not every Lion likes to draw, but everyone likes to draw.

4. If I work, then I'll drop; if I walk, then I treat everyone around.

5. I am afraid of only one thing in the world: to get into a ridiculous situation.

6. If you do it, then in a big way ...

7. The boss should understand not so much his business as the people he directs.

8. Pleasant manners are half the success.

9. A grand piano in the house is better than a piano, even if there is no one to play it.

10. Why do you need the sun if I'm nearby?

11. It is more pleasant to provide support than to receive it.

12. I am an artist on the brightly lit stage of life.

VIRGO: August 23rd — September 23rd

1. A crookedly hanging shelf drives me crazy.

2. Others enjoy eating, and I enjoy vitamins and trace elements.

3. Prove to me logically that we are made for each other.

4. Even if a man is a Virgo, do not rush to conclusions ...

5. Happiness is an opportunity to control everything.

6. Despite my humble appearance, I miss the applause.

7. It is not difficult for me to extract the bones from a whole bucket of cherries.

8. I will walk in the rain without soiling my white shoes.

9. The fly agaric must certainly catch the eye, and the white mushroom is so good.

10. There is a cool lady in every Virgo.

11. It is more pleasant to walk in a well-kept garden than in an abandoned park.

12. I can smell the show-offs for three versts.

LIBRA: September 24 — October 23

1. I doubt for a long time, but I rarely make mistakes.

2. I will involve anyone in anything.

3. Not all “i” need to be dotted.

4. Sitting in a gaudily furnished room for a long time can make me sick.

5. Sometimes I myself do not know whether I am for white or for red...

6. Without a party, I'm like a flower without a flower bed.

7. Only fools are principled.

8. If you look indecisive, everyone rushes to the rescue.

9. A person without pleasant manners is like a car without gasoline.

10. The most disgusting thing is to argue.

11. There is no such word as “no”.

12. Without partners, it's like without hands.

SCORPIO: October 24 — November 21

1. It's a pity, there's no one to sting.

2. An event is like a sofa: it must have hidden springs.

3. You need a good reason to smile.

4. Half of me is a phoenix bird, and the other half is an Iron Felix.

5. I sing a love song on the battlefield.

6. My passions do not often come out, like a shark that rarely comes to the surface.

7. The world will be lost without knights.

8. My character is akin to a bomb: she lies quietly until she tears up.

9. Only someone who guesses why the desert Scorpio refers to the signs of Water will understand me.

10. A fool trusts, but a smart one checks.

11. I look like a cactus. My fabulous flower opens to the chosen ones, but the thorns are visible to everyone.

12. There are still Othellas on earth.

SAGITTARIUS: November 22 — December 21

1. An optional person simply has to be charming.

2. Why drink if you don't have time to philosophize afterwards?

3. Remorse — and what is it?

4. My ideal is Ivan Tsarevich.

5. Do not talk about your mistakes, otherwise you will lose credibility.

6. Go with your ties!

7. Others are puffed up with resentment, and I am puffed up with importance.

8. The best vacation is a trip around the world.

9. To whom I owe, I forgive everyone.

10. Follow me! However, I don't really know where I'm going myself.

11. It is impossible to be angry with me.

12. Am I lying? I'm just slightly exaggerating.

CAPRICORN: December 22 — January 19

1. It's worth climbing to the top all your life to spit from there once.

2. And one warrior in the field (especially if you rest against the «goat horn»).

3. Do not break the laws. The other one gets away with it, and you get caught.

4. I'm almost always right, but it doesn't make it any easier.

5. Do you think I have achieved little? Let's see what you say in seventy years.

6. It's nice to talk about distant countries while sitting at home.

7. Show the insolent one who decides to give me orders.

8. Capricorn, like cognac, must be seasoned.

9. I love work — I hate drones.

10. I'm going, I'm going — I don't whistle, but when I hit, I won't let it go.

11. At the age of five, I am already quite an adult, but at fifty I am still young.

12. As befits a mountain goat, I'm not looking for beaten paths.

AQUARIUS: January 20 — February 18

1. Only I am capable of loving all of humanity at once.

2. The future just has to be beautiful.

3. Sex? There are more important things in life!

4. Money burns my hands like baked potatoes from a campfire.

5. It is difficult to be an angel, but it is necessary.

6. Friends first, and then family (if, of course, there is time left).

7. I am not kinder, I am not more cheerful.

8. How boring it is to be like others!

9. Good intentions are more important than good deeds.

10. Why do I have a pocket on my hat?

11. I am the best friend of children, because I am a child at heart.

12. My sign has given the world the most geniuses and psychos.

Pisces: February 19 — March 20

1. Don't put pressure on me, or I'll slip out like a fish out of your hands.

2. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do… the day after tomorrow.

3. I am ready to understand everyone, but not myself.

4. Our business is to sympathize, and turn to Crayfish for help.

5. The willow bends in a storm, and the oak falls down.

6. Everyone knows that I am always busy, although few people know what exactly.

7. Only a winding path leads directly to the goal.

8. Working in a hurry is the same as swallowing without chewing.

9. I can't give up alcohol like a fish can't give up water.

10. The order was invented by the nerds.

11. Although I am a little out of this world, no one can deceive me.

12. There are Fish in a quiet pool.

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